'http://nardwuar.com/video/interviews/real/thor.ram', 'type'=>'Real Video Interview (7 min.)', 'date'=>'Mar 11, 2001'); $vs_media[2] = array( 'filename'=>'print', 'type'=>'Transcribed Interview', 'date'=>'Mar 11, 2001'); $vs_media[3] = array( 'filename'=>'http://nardwuar.com/radio/audio/nw031128.ram', 'type'=>'Real Video Interview (35 min.)', 'date'=>'Nov 28, 2003'); $vs_media[4] = array( 'filename'=>'http://serviette.ca/radio_show/nw20070928.mp3', 'type'=>'MP3 Interview', 'date'=>'Aug 31, 2007'); /*************************************************************** Okay, two things: 1) Save the image as "profile_pic.jpg" in this directory and it should be no wider than 200px 2) If you want to add more media/interviews to an existing card, just copy the $vs_media[1] section (all the way down to the semi-colon) and paste it to the next available line. then change the '1' in the square brackets to the next logical number (so, like '2') then change the stuff after 'filename','type', and 'date' and it will stick it all on the card *****************************************************************/ ?> Nardwuar VS <?php echo $vs_subject_name; ?>
'; foreach($vs_media as $media_row) { if($media_row['filename'] && !empty($media_row['filename'])) { $html .= '
'.$media_row['type'].''; if($media_row['date'] && !empty($media_row['date'])) { $html .= '('.$media_row['date'].')'; } } $html .= '
'; } } print $html; ?>