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      Are you guys the new Rab C. Nesbitt? Are Franz Ferdinand the Rab C. Nesbitts?
Bob: I don't think so.

Because people are listening to you, all over the world.
Alex: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Bob: You didn't even know who Rab C. Nesbitt was, so obviously we're not.

But you inspired me to check out to see who he was.
Bob: [ laughs ] Ah, that's nice.

Thank you Franz Ferdinand! Franz Ferdinand here, winding up, you guys are called Franz...
Bob: Fer...

Paul: Nan...

D. Have you been confused with anybody else. Like, with Rio Ferdinand. There's a soccer player called Rio Ferdinand, like the brother of… anything like that?
Nick: Everybody's confused in Glasgow.

He's a guy who conveniently forgot to take a drug test and got suspended for eight months.
Alex: Yeah, that's correct.

Like, Franz Ferdinand, do people think you're Franz. Or do they think you're related to Rio Ferdinand, the soccer player?
Paul: There's a tribute band, REO Ferdinand, which is a tribute to REO Speedwagon and Franz Ferdinand.

Oh, no way.
Paul: Yeah.

R-E-O Ferdinand? Is that the same people behind The Different Strokes and all those tribute bands?
Alex: Yeah, that's right. The Different Strokes…
Bob: And the Morrissey Minors is the new one, children singing Smiths' songs. [ laughs ]

Oh, wow.
Alex: Do you know what Moris Minor is?

Yes, the car.
Alex: Yeah, well he's got the Morrissey Minors.

Did you tell him about that when you interviewed him?
Alex: No, we didn't. We forgot to mention it. I think he would have been into that.

What's amazing about you guys, you Franz Ferdinand-ish type people, is that I was told you were Dadaists, you were Dadaists… Dada Art Schoolists.
Alex: [ laughs ] We're not Dadaists.

I heard you were Dadaists, like, art school guys. But you are so cute and cuddly.
Alex: All the Dadaists are dead. We like Dada…

But you're so friendly, you're not like Dada Art Schoolish type people.
Bob: We like the aesthetic of Dada…
Alex: I think all these people have this misconception that anybody connected with art is going to be pretentious and stuck-up their own ass, but that's not the case at all. Everybody that I know that's… all the artists I know are really down to earth.

Anybody that knows The Thanes is a friend of mine. Thank you, Alex.
Alex: Thank you.

Anything else you want to add to the people out there, at all, Franz Ferdinand?
Nick: It's great to be in Canada.
Paul: Our soundman also does Manitoba, an excellent band and they're from Canada.
Alex: Who are also on Domino Records.

Which connects to Franz Ferdinand, more Canadian connections.
Bob: In the art school in Glasgow, the wood technician — he makes all the stretchers — his daughter emigrated to Canada. He comes here ever summer.

Amazing, more oozing out. Any last Canadian connections? You've [ Nick ] gotta have one, c'mon.
Nick: I can't think. The only one I can remember is my girlfriend's parents who were on holiday in Canada last year. [laughs]

That'll work. That'll work, Franz Ferdinand.
Nick: They keep on coming, don't they.
Bob: We're practically Canadian.

Thank you for coming here.
Alex: Thank you.

Franz Ferdinand, Franz Ferdinand, the shooting of Franz Ferdinand caused World War I, right?
Alex: That's true.

So, there would be no what, if there was no band Franz Ferdinand?
Bob: No interview? [ laughs ]

Ba-boom, that is true. Thank you for creating that.
Bob: It’s a pleasure

Thanks so much Franz Ferdinand. Keep on rocking in the free world and doot doola doot do…
Alex: Doot doo. [ laughs ]

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